Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lazy, lounging, and loveable.

Kesha's favorite thing to do is lie down. I read online that if a rabbit will lie out in front of you, she trusts you. If she lies out on her side, she really trusts you. Well, Kesha REALLY trusts me.

I used to worry about her -still kind of do- because she loves to eat, and loves treats, and hardly exercises. Because I got them when they were about 6 months old I am not sure of their exact birth date or which one is older. Based of what I read, I believe Kesha is the older one.

Have you ever seen a bunny binky?
This is NOT my bunny, but Lady does he same things.
Kesha used to spend time in her cage while we weren't home. We would let them out, Lady would go run her marathon around our house, binkying, while Kesha would just find somewhere to lie. Once, she literally got of her cage, hopped a foot away and lied down. Another time: she went BACK into her cage and lied down.

She is getting better, but still, most times we see her like this: loveable, lazy, and lounging in the floor!


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